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The pump is the heart of a swimming pool filtration system. It is responsible for the circulation of water. In other words, we say that the power of the whole swimming system depends upon the working of the pool pump. If you want your pool water clean, then it is crucial that the pool filter pump operate properly. But sometimes, it may not be working properly.
You may not get efficient performance from the pool pump. Do you ever think about the reasons responsible for the improper working of the pool filter pump? Well, this guide is specially designed for beginners who are unable to figure out the causes of the pool pump not working properly. In this article, we will discuss problems related to pumps and how to fix them properly. Let's delve into the details of your query.
In order to solve the problem, it is important to know the root cause of complexity. If you observe any minor problem, it's time to get on that as early as possible. To resolve the problem, you may need professionals most of the time; your knowledge makes you able to troubleshoot problems yourself.
Do you ever observe a situation in which your pump is not turning on? Or quickly shutting off? If yes, then this problem is due to many reasons, such as:
● Due to an electrical problem.
● Loose connections.
● A bad capacitor.
● Or maybe overloaded voltage.
● Jammed motor.
All of these factors may be the reason for the problem. You can resolve it without calling professionals. Let's guide you about the solution to these complexities:
● The first step is to check the breaker box.
● If that box is fine, then check your connections and ensure that nothing is faulty here.
● Look for broken power cords.
● The overloaded circuit may be the reason for overheating motor so that it shifts off instantly after it started.
● Check capacitors and ensure that all of them charge and discharge properly.
● If there is no electrical problem, it's time to check whether the motor is jammed.
● If the motor is shot, then replace it with a new one.
This problem directly impacts the flow rate of water. The low water flow of the pool pump is due to many reasons;
● The small size of the pump as compared to the pool size.
● A suction leak.
● The pressure gauge doesn't show the correct reading.
● Clogged skimmer baskets.
● An air leak.
It is important to check all of these components from time to time. Proper checking lets you know whether you have suction leaks or not.
The proper level of water is necessary to fix these complexities. Your strainer basket should have a proper water level. It is also important to check the filter gauge. If there is any problem, then clean it properly. This will reset the flow of water. Make sure that your pool filter pump is free of debris and other unwanted particles.
There are two main reasons 9f this problem.
● A damaged pump lid.
● A damaged shaft seal.
One can replace both of these parts easily.
Pump Lid
It is slightly difficult to find the exact position where leakage occurs on the pump lid. Once you find the location, you can easily fix the problem.
● Repair or replace the lid in case of cracking.
● Make sure that O-rings are properly lubricated.
Pump Shaft Seal
Leaking pump shaft seals is also one of the problems. In this situation, the water runs down the seal plate's backside. Once you find the problem, you can easily solve it by replacing the shaft seals. Regarding your pump requirement, replace the shaft seal as soon as possible.
Weird sound from the motor is also the problem. It is important to differentiate the noise of the motor from the normal sound. If a motor makes a noise, this may be due to cavitation. Most of the time, noise could be produced due to bad bearings. Now it's to know the solution to these problems.
● In the case of cavitation, the solution is easy and simple. One should clear a clog out of the plumbing line.
This may be due to the air leakage problem of the system.
● In case of bad bearing, you need to professionals or must have good knowledge about the pool filter pump motors.
You can easily replace the damaged part with a new one.
The pool pump sucks air due to the low level of water in the pump basket. Sometimes, this problem is due to the dirty filter pump. If the pump basket is clean, then look for the leaks.
● Check the water level in the skimmer; if it is low, then there is a problem.
● Check the basket lid o-ring.
● Make sure that it is sealed properly.
● If it is not sealed, then seal it properly.
● You can also use shaving cream to test for air leaks in the following points such as pipe joints, valves, and plugs.
● The pressure gauge shows low reading. This dye is a dirty skimmer basket. So, clean it properly.
● Continuously leaking: we already discuss how to find leakage and fix them.
● Constantly losing prime is also a warning sign of a bad pump.
Most of the time, you can resolve the pool filter pump problem by yourself. If you are unable to find the root cause of the problem, then call professionals. If you observe that any part needs replacement, change it as soon as possible.
You can wholesale high-quality pool filter pump and other pool equipment from Poolking. High-quality products always save you from many future problems. If you are still confused about your query, then comment below. We will guide you and answer you ASAP!
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