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how to bypass pool filter


Author: Poolking - Swimming Pool Equipment Manufacturer

How to Bypass Your Pool Filter System

As a pool owner, you may encounter some situations where you want to bypass your pool filter system. Maybe you need to shock the pool with chemicals and don't want them to cycle through the filter, or perhaps your filter has malfunctioned, and you need to bypass it temporarily. Whatever the reason, bypassing your pool filter is pretty simple. Here's how to do it.

1. Shut Off Your Pool Pump

Before you start bypassing your pool filter, you need to turn off your pool pump. Turning off the pump will help prevent any backflow of pool water into the filter system or any other potential problems.

2. Locate Your Bypass Valve

A bypass valve is a device that allows you to redirect the water flow from your pool pump to different plumbing lines. The bypass valve is usually located on the return line, which is the line that carries water from the filter system back into the pool. Typically, a bypass valve will have three settings: Off, Filter, and Bypass. Turn the valve to the "Bypass" setting.

3. Turn On Your Pool Pump

Once you've turned the bypass valve to "Bypass," it's time to turn on your pool pump. The pump will start to circulate water through the plumbing lines, but instead of going through the filter system, the water will bypass it entirely.

4. Monitor Your Pool's Water Quality

When your filter system is bypassed, your pool's water quality can deteriorate more quickly, so it's essential to monitor it closely. Test your pool water regularly to keep the chemistry balanced, and keep an eye out for any signs of algae growth or other issues.

5. Reconnect Your Filter System

Once you're done bypassing your filter system, you need to reconnect it. Turn off your pool pump, set the bypass valve to "Filter," and turn the pump back on. Your pool water will then start to cycle through the filter system again.

Why Would You Want to Bypass Your Pool Filter?

There are a few reasons why you might want to bypass your pool filter system temporarily:

- Shocking the pool: When you shock your pool with chemicals, you don't want them to cycle through the filter. Bypassing the filter system will help the chemicals work more efficiently.

- Filter maintenance: If your filter system needs repair or maintenance, bypassing it temporarily can allow you to use your pool while you fix the issue.

- Lower maintenance costs: Pool filters require regular cleaning and maintenance, which can add up over time. Bypassing your filter system periodically can help extend its life and reduce maintenance costs.

- Energy savings: Running your pool pump and filter system can be expensive. Bypassing the filter system periodically can help you save on energy costs.

What Are the Risks of Bypassing Your Pool Filter?

While bypassing your pool filter system is a simple process, it does come with some risks:

- Poor water quality: Bypassing your filter can cause water quality issues if you don't monitor your pool chemistry regularly.

- Damage to other pool components: Bypassing your filter system can increase the pressure on other pool components, such as your pool heater or chlorinator, which can potentially cause damage.

- Voided warranties: If you bypass your pool filter system, it may void your warranty, so it's essential to check with the manufacturer before doing so.


Bypassing your pool filter system can be a useful tool for pool owners in certain situations. Whether you're shocking your pool, dealing with a malfunctioning filter system, or looking to save on energy costs, bypassing your filter is a relatively simple process. Just be sure to monitor your pool's water quality closely and be aware of any potential risks.


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