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are pool filter balls better than sand


Pool Filter Balls: The Better Alternative to Sand

Why Should You Consider Using Pool Filter Balls?

How Pool Filter Balls Work

Advantages of Pool Filter Balls over Sand

Pool Filter Balls Maintenance


If you own a swimming pool, then you already know how important it is to keep the water clean and safe for swimming. One of the ways to achieve this is by installing a pool filter system to help remove debris, contaminants and particles from the water. When it comes to filtering pool water, many people often use sand as their filter media. However, there is now a better and more efficient alternative to sand, and that is pool filter balls.

Why Should You Consider Using Pool Filter Balls?

Pool filter balls are a new generation filter media designed to replace sand in pool filters. It is a specially treated, 100% polyester fiber that is lightweight, effective, eco-friendly and easy to use. The use of pool filter balls has been on the rise in recent years, and for a good reason. If you are still using sand in your pool filter system, here are a few reasons why you should consider switching to pool filter balls.

How Pool Filter Balls Work

Pool filter balls are designed to work in the same way as sand. They are placed in the filter tank and act as a medium for trapping debris and contaminants. Water passes through the filter balls, and any particles that are too large to pass through become trapped in the fibers. The filtered water then flows back into the pool. One of the reasons pool filter balls have become a popular choice is because of their excellent filtration efficiency. They can filter out particles as small as 5 microns, making them more effective than sand.

Advantages of Pool Filter Balls over Sand

There are many reasons why pool filter balls are a better choice than sand when it comes to filtering pool water. Here are some of the advantages of using pool filter balls:

1. Easy to Use - Pool filter balls are much easier to handle than sand. They are lightweight and do not require any pre-rinsing or backwashing before use. This means that you can save time and water when using pool filter balls.

2. Greater Filtration Efficiency - As mentioned earlier, pool filter balls are more efficient at trapping particles than sand. They are capable of removing debris as small as 5 microns compared to sand, which can only filter out particles as small as 20 microns.

3. Longer Lasting - Pool filter balls have a longer lifespan than sand. They can last up to 5 years or more, while sand needs to be replaced every 2-3 years.

4. Eco-Friendly - Pool filter balls are made from 100% recycled materials, making them a more eco-friendly option than sand.

5. Cost-Effective - While pool filter balls may be more expensive upfront, they are a cost-effective option in the long-term. They last longer than sand and do not require as much maintenance, which means you can save money on replacements and upkeep.

Pool Filter Balls Maintenance

One of the benefits of using pool filter balls is that they require minimal maintenance. Unlike sand, which needs to be backwashed frequently, pool filter balls can be cleaned by simply rinsing them with a hose or soaking them in a cleaning solution. It is important to clean pool filter balls regularly to ensure that they continue to function efficiently. If you notice that your pool water is not as clear as it should be, it may be time to clean or replace your pool filter balls.


Pool filter balls are a better and more efficient alternative to sand. They are easy to use, eco-friendly, cost-effective, and provide better filtration efficiency. If you are looking to upgrade your pool filter system, you should consider using pool filter balls. They are a wise investment that will keep your pool water clean and safe for years to come.


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