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how to open air relief valve on pool filter


Author: Poolking - Swimming Pool Equipment Manufacturer

How to Open Air Relief Valve on Pool Filter

If you have a pool filter, one of the essential things that you should know is how to open the air relief valve. The air relief valve is an integral part of the filter that helps to release trapped air in the filter system, which can cause pressure buildup, reduce the pool's circulation, and damage the filter system. In this guide, we will show you the steps to open the air relief valve on a pool filter.

Steps to Open Air Relief Valve on Pool Filter

Step 1: Turn off the Pool Pump

Before you can open the air relief valve, you need to turn off the pool pump. When the pool pump is running, water flows through the filter, making it challenging to open the air relief valve. Turning off the pump allows the filter and the pool plumbing system to depressurize, making it easier to open the air relief valve.

Step 2: Locate the Air Relief Valve

The air relief valve is usually located at the top of the filter tank, and it looks like a small knob or a protrusion from the filter. You can find the air relief valve by checking the filter lid or the filter housing. If you are using a sand or a DE filter, the air relief valve is usually located on the multiport valve.

Step 3: Clear the Area Around the Air Relief Valve

Before you can open the air relief valve, you need to clear the area around it to avoid any accidental damage or spillage. Make sure there are no obstacles or debris around the valve, and the valve is easily accessible.

Step 4: Release the Pressure by Opening the Valve

Once you have located the air relief valve and cleared the area around it, it's time to open the valve. To do this, turn the valve counterclockwise slowly until you hear the hissing sound of air escaping. Keep turning the valve until water starts to come out of the valve. This indicates that the pressure has been released, and you can stop turning the valve.

Step 5: Close the Valve

After you have released the trapped air from the filter, it's time to close the valve. To do this, turn the valve slowly clockwise until it's tight. You don't need to over-tighten the valve as this can cause damage to the filter system.

Step 6: Turn on the Pool Pump

Once you have closed the air relief valve, it's time to turn on the pool pump again. Turning on the pump will allow the water to flow through the filter system and distribute evenly in the pool. You should observe the pressure gauge on the filter to ensure that the pressure is within the recommended range.

Why is it Important to Open the Air Relief Valve?

Opening the air relief valve is essential to maintaining your pool's health and prolonging the life of the filter system. Here are some reasons why you should open the air relief valve regularly:

1. Reduced Pressure Buildup

Trapped air in the filter system can cause pressure buildup, leading to damage to the filter system and reduced circulation in the pool.

2. Better Water Clarity

When the air relief valve is opened, trapped air is released, and the water in the pool is distributed evenly, leading to better water clarity.

3. Prolonged Filter Life

Regularly opening the air relief valve helps to reduce stress on the filter system, preventing damage and prolonging its life.

Other Things to Consider

Apart from opening the air relief valve, there are other things that you should consider to ensure your pool filter works efficiently. Here are some tips:

1. Regular Maintenance

It's essential to perform regular maintenance on your pool filter, including cleaning the filter media, backwashing the system, and replacing worn-out parts.

2. Check the Pressure Gauge

The pressure gauge on the filter indicates whether the pressure is within the recommended range. You should check the pressure gauge regularly and adjust the filter as needed.

3. Keep the Pool Clean

To ensure that your pool filter works efficiently, you should keep the pool clean by regularly vacuuming, skimming, and brushing the pool walls.


Opening the air relief valve on your pool filter is a simple process that can help prevent damage to your filter system and enhance the pool's circulation. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can maintain the optimal performance of your filter system and prolong its life. Don't forget to perform regular maintenance on your pool filter system to ensure it works efficiently.


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