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how to clean your pool filter


Author: Poolking - Swimming Pool Equipment Manufacturer

How to Clean Your Pool Filter

If you own a swimming pool, then you know how important it is to keep it clean and sparkling throughout the year. The pool filter plays a crucial role in keeping the water free of dirt, debris, and bacteria. However, over time, the filter can become clogged, which can significantly impact its efficiency. In this article, we will discuss how to clean your pool filter and restore its functionality.


1. Understanding Your Pool Filter

2. Signs That Your Pool Filter Needs Cleaning

3. Steps to Clean Your Pool Filter

4. Maintenance Tips for Your Pool Filter

5. Hire a Professional or Do It Yourself?

Understanding Your Pool Filter

Before you begin the cleaning process, it's essential to understand the type of pool filter you have. There are three main types of pool filters - sand, cartridge, and DE (diatomaceous earth) filters. Each filter requires different maintenance procedures, and you must know which type you have to clean it effectively.

Sand filters consist of a tank filled with sand that traps debris and particles from the water. Cartridge filters contain several filter cartridges that capture the dirt particles as water passes through. DE filters use a powder made of crushed diatoms to coat the filter elements, capturing dirt and debris.

Signs That Your Pool Filter Needs Cleaning

A clean pool filter is essential for maintaining clean and healthy water. But how do you know when it's time to clean your pool filter? One sure sign is when the water starts to look cloudy, or the water flow from the pool jets decreases. You may also notice that the pool pump is working harder than usual or making strange noises.

Steps to Clean Your Pool Filter

Now that you know the type of pool filter you have and the signs that it needs cleaning, let's discuss how to clean it.

For Sand Filters:

1. Turn off the pool pump and close the valves leading to the filter.

2. Remove the filter's cover and the top diffuser.

3. Clean the top diffuser and the skimmer basket.

4. Turn on the backwash valve and turn on the pump.

5. Let it run for 2-3 minutes, or until the water in the sight glass runs clear.

6. Turn off the backwash valve and turn on the pump.

7. Add fresh pool filter sand if necessary.

8. Turn on the pool pump and open the valves.

For Cartridge Filters:

1. Turn off the pool pump and close the valves leading to the filter.

2. Remove the filter element from the tank.

3. Rinse away the debris and loosen dirt particles with a garden hose.

4. Place the cartridge in a bucket of water and add filter cleaning solution.

5. Soak the filter for several hours or overnight.

6. Rinse the filter cartridge thoroughly with clean water.

7. Reinstall the filter element and turn on the pool pump.

For DE Filters:

1. Turn off the pool pump and close the valves leading to the filter.

2. Remove the filter element from the tank.

3. Rinse away the debris and loosen dirt particles with a garden hose.

4. Mix DE powder with water to form a slurry.

5. Pour the slurry into the filter tank.

6. Turn on the pump and let it run for a few minutes.

7. Rinse away the remaining DE powder with a garden hose.

8. Reinstall the filter element and turn on the pool pump.

Maintenance Tips for Your Pool Filter

To keep your pool filter working efficiently, you must maintain it regularly. Here are a few tips:

1. Clean the filter at least once every six months.

2. Check the pressure gauge of your sand or DE filter periodically.

3. Replace the filter cartridges every two to three years.

4. Use pool filter cleaner according to the manufacturer's instructions.

5. Don't run your pool pump for more than eight hours a day.

Hire a Professional or Do It Yourself?

Cleaning your pool filter can be a DIY project, but it requires some amount of skill and patience. If you're not comfortable doing it yourself, you can always hire a professional. A skilled pool technician can clean and maintain your pool filter effectively, ensuring that your pool stays clean and healthy.

In conclusion, cleaning your pool filter is crucial for keeping your pool water clean and healthy. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional, make sure you follow the above steps and maintain your filter regularly. A well-maintained filter can extend the life of your pool equipment and make your pool experience more enjoyable.


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