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What can be used to disinfect swimming pools?


In order to ensure healthy water quality, the swimming pool is disinfected and sterilized every day. What can be used for swimming pool sterilization? How to use it? At present, swimming pool disinfection uses trichloroisocyanuric acid disinfectant, which has three types: flake, granular and powder. It is specially used for disinfection and sterilization of swimming pools.

However, there are also chlorine-free disinfectants. That is, the chlorine-free impact treatment agent is a disinfectant specially designed for baby pools and children's pools. It does not contain chlorine, has no peculiar smell and is not irritating. Among them, there are two types of swimming pool disinfection tablets: fast-dissolving and slow-dissolving. The fast-dissolving is small tablets. Its main component is trichloroisocyanuric acid with a chlorine content of 50%. It dissolves quickly and can quickly replenish residual chlorine.

The slow-dissolving ones are large tablets, and the main component is trichloroisocyanuric acid, with a chlorine content of 90%. Due to the slow dissolution, it needs to be added with a dosing device. The disinfection effect is long-lasting and efficient. Swimming pool disinfection pellets are granular, and the main component is trichloroisocyanuric acid, with a content of 90%.

Disinfectant granules can be directly sprinkled into the swimming pool, and 2-3kg per 1000 tons of water is sufficient. Its disinfection effect is long-lasting, but due to its slow dissolution, it is best to use it in conjunction with instant disinfection tablets, which can quickly replenish residual chlorine. Chlorine-free impact treatment agent is a chlorine-free disinfectant, no odor and no irritation, with non-chlorine oxidation ability, can quickly remove various pollutants, algae and chloramines in water, and can degrade urea to improve ORP in water value to keep the water clear.

And it is safe and environmentally friendly. Not only the swimming pool can be used, but the children's pool and baby pool can also be used. It can also be used in places with small spaces such as saunas and baths, and it has no peculiar smell and is not irritating, which can avoid causing discomfort to guests.

In addition, some swimming pools also use ozone, chlorine dioxide, etc. for disinfection, but very few of them use trichloroisocyanuric acid disinfectant the most. Poolking is the best swimming pool equipment manufacturer and supplier in China. Poolking exists to provide the highest quality swimming pool equipment while offering competitive pricing..

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