Poolking, your best swimming pool equipment manufacturer and supplier with more than 20 years experience. Email: sandy@poolking.co
Diatomaceous earth filter for swimming pool filtration, giving you truly sparkling water. This is because diatomaceous earth filters remove tiny pollutant particles, as small as 5 microns (the average grain size of sand is 1000 microns!). Even though these particles cannot be found individually, in aggregate they can affect water clarity.
Water passes through a series of meshes coated with diatomaceous earth, which under a microscope looks like a collection of tiny sponges, through which water can pass but impurities such as microscopic dirt, algae and some forms of bacteria cannot. Diatomaceous earth filters are designed with curved mesh to maximize the filtration area. More filter area means better performance and longer cleaning.
Improvements to the internal design have minimized flow restriction so that a minimum power pump is required to achieve the required flow. This means reduced operating costs. In addition to providing clean water, diatomaceous earth filters are also designed for easy maintenance and long-term reliability.
So you can keep your pool water clean and clear for years to come. Diatomaceous earth filter features: 1. The vertical grid of the curve provides the largest filter area for dirt blocking, and the cleaning time is longer. 2. The internal design can ensure better filtration and backwashing efficiency.
3. Chemical corrosion resistance, better strength and longer service life. 4. Easy to disassemble the filter mesh pack to simplify maintenance and save your time. 5. Appropriate pipe connections provide greater flow.
6. Drain outlet, the position design is reasonable, easier and more efficient cleaning and 100% drainage.
Poolking is the best swimming pool equipment manufacturer and supplier in China. Poolking exists to provide the highest quality swimming pool equipment while offering competitive pricing..