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How often do pool sand filter tanks backwash?


Sand filter tank backwash cycle problem: For a long time, many customers have asked how often the filter sand tank should be backwashed? In fact, this so-called backwash cycle does not have a formula at all. Sand filter cylinders are widely used in different industries, the amount of impurities and other factors are different, and the cycle of backwashing is also different. The following analyzes several factors that affect the backwashing cycle: 1. Different application places.

For example, some customers use filter sand tanks to filter impurities in mountain spring water. In this case, mountain spring water is generally relatively clear, so it is possible to backwash once every ten and a half months. However, some customers are used to filter impurities in urban sewage, which may require backwashing once a day. 2. The selection of sand filter cylinders is different.

We can see that the sand filter cylinder has a design flow parameter. But this parameter can only be regarded as a little reference in the application. Because the flow rate of the filter sand tank will vary with the pump flow rate, sand layer thickness, sand material size, filter area and other factors.

In the case of the same suspended matter content and the same flow rate, theoretically speaking, the larger the sand tank, the larger the filter area, and the smaller the resistance to the water flow. The higher the filtration accuracy, the shorter the backwash cycle. 3. Customers have different subjective judgments.

Because some customers have subjective differences in the judgment of the sewage after backwashing. So the backwash cycle also varies at his discretion. Solution: A period can be determined according to the turbidity of the previous backwash sewage and the readings of the pressure gauge.

For example, during normal filtration, the count of the pressure gauge is 0.1MPa. When the reading of the pressure gauge reaches 0.2MPa, we backwash once and find that the discharged sewage is not so dirty. Then we know that the time for the next backwash can be extended. Repeat several times, each time we record this time interval.

An optimal backwash cycle will be obtained. In this way, a good balance can be achieved between neither affecting the sewage discharge nor paying more labor. Poolking is the best swimming pool equipment manufacturer and supplier in China. Poolking exists to provide the highest quality swimming pool equipment while offering competitive pricing..

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