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how to change sand in above ground pool filter


Author: Poolking - Swimming Pool Equipment Manufacturer

How to Change Sand in Above Ground Pool Filter

If you are the proud owner of an above ground pool, chances are you have a sand filter to keep your water clean and clear. While sand filters are effective at removing impurities from the water, they do require maintenance every now and then. One aspect of maintaining your sand filter is changing the sand. Here’s how to do it.

The Tools You’ll Need

Before you begin, you’ll need a few tools to complete the task. Here’s a list of what you’ll need:

- Screwdriver

- Pool filter sand

- Safety goggles

- Garden hose

- Bucket

Subheading 1: Turn Off the Pump

Before you begin to change the sand in your filter, you need to turn off the pump. This is a crucial step in the process so that no water is flowing through the filter when you are changing the sand. If water flows through the filter while you’re changing the sand, it can make the task much more difficult and messy.

Subheading 2: Remove the Old Sand

Next, you need to remove the old sand from the filter. Start by removing the top cover of the filter to expose the sand. Once you have the cover off, take the screwdriver and carefully remove any screws holding the filter together. Then, lift the filter off the base and turn it over. You should see the old sand inside. Carefully remove the old sand and dispose of it properly. Make sure to wear safety goggles during this process to protect your eyes from dust and debris.

Subheading 3: Clean the Filter Tank

Once all of the sand is removed from the filter, it’s time to clean the filter tank. Use the garden hose to rinse out the filter tank, making sure to remove any debris or dirt that may have accumulated. Be sure to remove any leftover sand from the bottom of the filter tank to ensure that your new sand doesn’t mix with any remnants of the old sand.

Subheading 4: Add New Sand

Now it’s time to add the new sand to the filter tank. First, check your filter’s manual to see how much sand your specific filter model requires. Then, take the bucket and use it to pour the new sand into the filter tank. Once you have poured all the sand in, use your hand to level it out and smooth it over.

Subheading 5: Put the Filter Back Together

After you have added new sand to the filter tank, it’s time to put the filter back together. Carefully place the filter back onto the base and secure it in place with the screws you removed earlier. Finally, replace the top cover of the filter and turn on the pump to make sure everything is working properly.


Changing the sand in your above ground pool filter may seem daunting, but with the right tools and a little patience, it is a simple and necessary maintenance task. Follow these steps to keep your pool water clean and clear all summer long.


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