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How to backwash sand filter?


It is improtant to backwash sand filter. Swimming pool sand filters are a vital part of keeping your pool clean and free of bacteria. If you have a swimming pool, then you know that keeping the water clean is important. 

The sand filter helps to remove dirt and debris from the water, but over time, however, the sand in your filter can become clogged with dirt and debris, which can reduce its effectiveness. To clean your sand filter and keep it operating properly, you need to perform a process called backwashing. This is where the sand filter comes in. 

Backwashing is a simple process that will clean out your filter and restore it to its original condition. In this blog post, we will show you how to backwash your sand filter step-by-step so that you can keep your pool clean and safe all season long.

How do I backwash sand filter?

Backwashing a sand filter is a simple process that should be done on a regular basis, at least once a month. The process flushes out the accumulated dirt and debris from the sand, keeping the filter clean and effective. Here's how to backwash a sand filter:

1. Turn off the pump and disconnect the hoses.
2. Set the valve to "backwash" mode.
3. Turn on the pump and let it run for about two minutes.
4. Turn off the pump and set the valve to "rinse" mode.
5. Turn on the pump and let it run for about 30 seconds.
6. Turn off the pump and set the valve to "filter" mode.
7. Reconnect the hoses and turn on the pump.

Your sand filter is now clean and ready to work effectively!

Tips for backwashing your sand filter

If your sand filter has a pressure gauge, check it before you begin backwashing. The pressure should be at least 10 PSI higher than the normal operating pressure. If it's not, clean the filter elements according to the manufacturer's directions.

To start backwashing, turn the valve to the BACKWASH position and let the water run for about two minutes. Then turn off the pump and let the water drain out of the tank completely.

Once the water is out of the tank, open the air relief valve to release any built-up pressure. Then unscrew the lid of the tank and remove the diffuser.

Inspect the diffuser for any dirt or debris that may have accumulated during operation. Clean it off if necessary, then replace it and screw the lid back on tight.

Turn on the pump and let it run for a few minutes to re-prime itself. Then turn off the pump and put the valve in the FILTER position. Your sand filter is now ready for normal operation!

When should I backwash sand filter?

It is important to backwash your sand filter when it becomes clogged with dirt and debris. A clogged filter will reduce the efficiency of your pool’s filtration system and can lead to water quality problems.

Most sand filters have a pressure gauge that will indicate when the filter needs to be cleaned. As a general rule, you should backwash your sand filter when the pressure reading is 8-10 psi higher than the starting pressure.

You should also backwash your filter after heavy rainstorms or whenever you see a noticeable decrease in water flow from the returns.

How often should I backwash sand filter?

The frequency of backwashing will vary depending on the size of your pool, the type of pool you have, and how often it is used.

As a general rule, you should backwash your sand filter once every 1-2 weeks. However, if your pool is used frequently or if you live in an area with a lot of debris, you may need to backwash more often.

If you are unsure how often to backwash your sand filter, consult your owner's manual or ask a professional for advice.

Can I use bleach to clean my sand filter?

Yes, you can use bleach to clean your sand filter. However, you should only use a small amount of bleach and you should always rinse the filter thoroughly afterwards.


Now that you know how to backwash sand filter, it's time to put that knowledge into practice. This process is essential for keeping your pool clean and ensuring that your filter is working properly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll be able to keep your pool in tip-top shape all season long. Happy swimming!    

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